Sound Cards help students create words and are a fun, hands-on tool for teaching and reinforcing reading and writing skills. The set includes three categories of cards: consonant cards, vowel / vowel combination cards, and chunk cards. Each category is color-coded so that students can easily choose the necessary cards to form a word. Small and easy to manipulate, these cards can be used to develop and improve encoding and decoding skills.
Sound Cards
Categories English Flashcards, ENGLISH, Supplementary Products, level 1 add-ons, level 2&3 add-ons, Program In Review
Tags more sounds, words, Vowel differentiation, making and breaking words, first grade, manipulation, digraphs, phonics, encoding, second grade, dipthongs, vowel combinations, walking talking vowels, vowel teams, consonant digraphs, r control, ruling r
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Dictation Book