The More Marvelous Hints Signs present vowel and letter combinations with graphic hints. These visual hints are embedded within groups of letters, so that they provide a thorough memory aid. These hints cover all skills taught in the ReadBright curriculum, beginning with Digraphs in Book One through More Sounds in Book Three. Designed as a cardstock spiral book for remedial teachers and as separate cardstock sheets for classroom display, the More Marvelous Hints is an effective tool for both classroom instruction and as a quick review.
More Marvelous Hints
Categories ENGLISH, Supplementary Products, level 1 add-ons, level 2&3 add-ons, Picture Hints
Tags cardstock, signs, words, visual hints, dipthongs, embedded, vowel combinations, drill, walking talking vowels, Supplementary Materials, Wall cards, vowel teams, hint rings, picture hints, consonant digraphs, first grade, r control, digraphs, ruling r, phonics, more sounds, second grade